What is special education?

Special education; for individuals who differ from normal development due to their physical, mental, communicative, social and emotional development, and who cannot benefit from normal education and training, who can partially benefit or continue their education with support programs; It is the training given by specially trained staff, with special methods and tools, if necessary, in special spac ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is special education?
    Special education; for individuals who differ from normal development due to their physical, mental, communicative, social and emotional development, and who cannot benefit from normal education and training, who can partially benefit or continue their education with support programs; It is the training given by specially trained staff, with specia .. Read More
  • What are the aims of special education?
    In line with the general purpose and basic principles of Turkish national education, special education needs individuals who need special education; To grow up as a productive and happy citizen, who fulfill their roles in the society, establish good relations with others, work in cooperation, adapt to their environment, To develop basic life .. Read More
  • What are the causes of mental disability?
    Nutritional deficiencies, environmental factors, poisonings, drugs used during pregnancy, difficult and long birth, oxygenation of the baby during birth, infections affecting the central nervous system after birth, premature birth, chromosome anomalies. .. Read More
  • What is attention deficit and hyperactivity?
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); It is a disorder that becomes evident in preschool period and school age and often continues until adulthood. There is a problem with the child controlling his behavior and maintaining his attention. Extreme mobility is common, but some children may only have attention problems without excessive m .. Read More
  • What should be done when mental disability is noticed?
    The education of the child with mental disability should be started as soon as the situation is noticed. The education of the child should be given without leaving the other children without emphasizing that it is different. In addition to the education provided by the family, the child should also receive institutional training. These children can .. Read More
  • What is Down syndrome?
    Down syndrome is a genetic difference that occurs when the number of chromosomes, which is normally 46, is 47.It is not a disease but a genetic difference. Down syndrome is the definition of structural difference and functional changes in the body. It is associated with disorders in mental comprehension and physical development, such as a particula .. Read More